Matthew 7:1-2 – August 30, 2019

Stop judging, that you may not be judged. For as you judge, so will you be judged, and the measure with which you measure will be measured out to you. Matthew 7:1-2 NABRE     

Jesus is teaching many things to His disciples but in this section including the verse quoted He begins to discuss how relationships among those of faith should rise above normal relationships, that as disciples we should put others first, think more highly of others than ourselves and by all means give our brothers and sisters the benefit of the doubt. We should always bless and honor their lives. Jesus begins by teaching that we should not judge one another. Although it is difficult to stop making small judgements in our mind when we meet and talk with others, Jesus wants us to avoid judgement and condemnation in our hearts. We don’t know what causes someone to do something; we cannot read the intention of their heart. So our judging of others is unfair. We are asked to avoid determining reasons for others actions or deeds. Jesus goes on to say as we judge others this same means of judgement will be applied to us. If we judge severely we will be judged severely. Jesus is making the point that God will appropriate for us the same amount of leniency or severity that we have given to others. If we want mercy from the Lord than we should not be harsh in our evaluation of others, we must be understanding and forgiving in our relationships with other people.

In all we hear from Jesus and learn from the message of the scriptures forgiveness is the number one act we can do for others. There is much in life that can cause us to take offense but if we want to imitate Jesus we must forgive, not hold a grudge nor judge others severely. Forgiving is our first act in loving others.

Do you find yourself judging others? Do you forgive easily?

In all we hear from Jesus and learn from the message of the scriptures forgiveness is the number one act we can do for others. Forgiving is our first act in loving others. Share on X

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