John 17:21 – August 31, 2019

so that they may all be one, as you, Father, are in me and I in you, that they also may be in us, that the world may believe that you sent me. John 17:21 NABRE     

This verse from the gospel of John is a prayer for future disciples, for us. Jesus prays for one central gift – unity; “that they may all be one, as you, Father, are in me and I in you, that they also may be in us, that the world may believe that you sent me.” It will only be evidence of loving unity that Jesus mission to the world can be effective. Only through the loving union of disciples will the world see Jesus mission lived as a witness. When the world sees the loving union of the disciples then they will know that Jesus was sent by the Father and that the Father’s love can be found in the disciples as it can be found in Jesus Himself. Where disciples are united in love, there Jesus will be found, His divine presence and the presence of the Father who is one with the Son. Jesus insist in unity, the community coming together to live as one, to love as one. Each person in the community important and their individuality is needed so that they bring their gifts to the community. But the community is the Body of Christ and it cannot be less important than individuals. The community grows together and shares the mission of Jesus together.

Jesus prays and teaches that the only way to share His message with the world is to live His mission in the world. It is by seeing disciples loving and united that others will say I want what they have, I want their joy, their growth, their love. We must be united as disciples, our life needs to point to the message of Jesus united with others.

Are you one with your fellow Christians? Do you live the importance of unity or prefer individualism?

Jesus prays and teaches that the only way to share His message with the world is to live His mission in the world. Share on X

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