Matthew 6:7-8 – August 20, 2019

In praying, do not babble like the pagans, who think that they will be heard because of their many words. Do not be like them. Your Father knows what you need before you ask him. Matthew 6:7-8 NABRE     

In Matthew 6 Jesus is teaching his disciples the proper attitude towards religious practices and material goods. Jesus is concerned, that they may end up storing treasure on earth rather than treasure in heaven. In teaching about prayer Jesus tells us not to be like hypocrites who love to pray so others will see. These showoffs receive their reward through the acclamation of others. When we pray we should go off quietly and pray in secret and our Father who sees in secret will repay us. Also, when we pray we should not babble like the pagans, who think they will be heard because of their many words. Our Father knows our needs before we ask and so does not need to hear much from us. We should sit quietly with our Father and let Him enter our hearts. Some call this contemplation, to sit and be open to receiving the presence of God. We should allow God to take over our intellect, heart and will. God will provide for us exactly what is right and what we need. So it is unnecessary to sit, beg and explain much to God, God knows our heart. Jesus follows up these suggestions by offering the Lord’s Prayer as a way to pray; where we honor God, see God coming and we promise forgiveness and we can expect forgiveness and our needs supplied.

In prayer we want to praise and sit with God, giving our time, being willing to be present with God. We share our time and we share our love. God in response will spend time with us and let us know that everything will be fine. Sit quietly, let God come to you, this is the prayer Jesus recommends.

How often do you pray? Do you trust your prayer is answered?

Our Father knows our needs before we ask and so does not need to hear much from us. We should sit quietly with our Father and let Him enter our hearts. Share on X

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