Daniel 12:3 – August 19, 2019

But those with insight shall shine brightly like the splendor of the firmament, and those who lead the many to justice shall be like the stars forever. Daniel 12:3 NABRE     

Daniel is considered a great prophet, the book named for him has stories written by him from visions he has seen as well as stories written about him. It is rich with visions and resurrection. Some say the book is apocryphal and others deuterocanonical. The quoted verse comes in a section of the book that is seen as a vision that is announcing the deliverance of the people of God through the mediation of Michael, the angel protector of Israel. Those who have stayed faithful to God will be delivered along with all who have been asleep; some to everlasting life and others to everlasting contempt. The quoted verse indicates those who shine the brightest are those who knew and taught the Law, those who turn many to righteousness. Leading others to God is seen receiving the greatest honor from God. There is nothing better than to lead lost people to God and by so doing God will make them the most honored in heaven. This section spells out a real resurrection of everyone. Resurrection will occur to everyone and everything. Afterwards there will be a determination who are the righteous and unrighteous. This resurrection we believe occurs after the death and resurrection of Christ. Christ is the first to be resurrected. At death Christ descends to the dead and brings them back to life with Him.

Lead the lost to God. Jesus said there is more joy in heaven for returning one who is lost than over ninety-nine who are not lost. Being responsible to bring the message of God to the lost is a disciple’s calling and makes us the brightest in heaven.

Do you help others know Jesus? Do you live that others might imitate you?

Lead the lost to God. Jesus said there is more joy in heaven for returning one who is lost than over ninety-nine who are not lost. Share on X

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