Psalms 51:1-2 – May 9, 2019

A psalm of David, when Nathan the prophet came to him after he had gone in to Bathsheba. Psalms 51:1-2 NABRE     

David a beloved and honored King of the people is confronted by Nathan a prophet of God about transgressions he committed. Nathan came from God and indicted King David for having Uriah killed and for committing adultery with his wife Bathsheba before hand. God promises to bring retribution upon David. David in Psalm 51 is begging for mercy and asking aid in being near God. David begs God for mercy, compassion, to wash away his guilt and cleanse him. David knows his sin is against God, he knows he was a sinner since birth, he hopes God will make him pure. David goes on to seek closeness to God, he begs Him not to turn his face, to create a clean heart in him, to restore him and keep His Spirit within him. He asks God to restore him, if God rescues him, David will proclaim praise, make sacrifice, and with God’s help work toward a humble contrite heart. Once accused by God David did everything he could to get back in God’s good graces. God does forgive David and makes him one of the greatest Kings of the Jews. It is David’s sincere contrition that allows God to accept David’s merciful request.

This is a message for us today, no matter what we do, with sincere contrition we can be forgiven. God wants to be close to us and no matter what wrong doing we commit, He will be willing to help us be restored and forgiven. The true message of Jesus and His living in the public eye is to teach forgiveness. We hurt one another and God, these relationships can be doomed if we don’t find a way to mend them. Jesus taught forgiveness and God doles out mercy with ease and humility. Let God wash away any guilt you may have.

Are there relationships you need to mend? Do you seek forgiveness when you hurt others?

God wants to be close to us and no matter what wrong doing we commit, He will be willing to help us be restored and forgiven. Share on X

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