Proverbs 16:9 – April 25, 2019

The human heart plans the way, but the LORD directs the steps. Proverbs 16:9 NABRE     

In the quoted proverb of Solomon we see that we are not passive in determining where to go or what to do in the service of God. If all we do is pray and wait for God to tell us what to do, we may not get anywhere. God depends on us to plan and to act, in so doing God will guide the steps of the plan for correct action. We must have faith in God, depend on God, but God expects us to do something toward building the kingdom. We are called to make plans. To do so we must gather information, we must know God and have an idea of what God would do in our circumstance. We must pray and communicate with God, to know the will of God. But it is up to us to act, to do something calling on God’s guidance as we go. We see in Jesus life that He is constantly declaring that He is doing the will of the Father. Even in prayer Jesus would say, not my will but yours be done. However Jesus didn’t sit around waiting for God to point. Jesus moved around, he taught, he preached, he healed, all seemingly on His own, yet always doing the will of the Father. Jesus would seek God’s will, determine all the facts and assess them and then make a decision that would be pleasing to God. We must do the same.

How do you plan? Are you actively including prayer and knowledge in the planning process? Are you making yourself familiar with the Word of God before deciding? Do you include the Holy Spirit, asking for guidance? You must do something, especially in the service to God and God’s Kingdom. But you shouldn’t act casually, without taking the time for an honest look at the facts. Disciples of God, try to do God’s will always, which means knowing God first.

Do you include God first in planning? Do you act, hoping for God to guide your steps?

We must pray and communicate with God, to know the will of God. But it is up to us to act, to do something calling on God’s guidance as we go. Share on X

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