Deuteronomy 31:6 – April 25, 2019

Be strong and steadfast; have no fear or dread of them, for it is the LORD, your God, who marches with you; he will never fail you or forsake you. Deuteronomy 31:6 NABRE     

This chapter of the book of Deuteronomy has Moses giving a sort of farewell speech. The people were leaving their desert Exodus and getting ready to cross the Jordan to take the land God has promised them. Moses would not be going with them, Joshua was selected as the new leader to take the people into the Land of Canaan. The land was occupied, and Moses was telling the people not to worry, God will defeat their enemies, hand them over to the Israelites and make the land available. God has taken care of the people before and He will always take care of His people. So followers of God should always be strong and steadfast, have no fear or dread, God marches with us, God will never fail us or let us down. God always takes care of His people. Not only did Moses encourage the people but he encouraged Joshua. God needs good leaders, and we should support good leaders of the church. It is not easy to lead and as much as possible we should support godly leaders, who listen to the Word of God and heed God’s warnings. Joshua is an example but throughout the church we have good leaders who should be followed and supported. When a leader is from God we can be sure that God marches with them.

In your church you should support your leader, they were placed in leadership by God and they need our support in prayer, word and deed to accomplish God’s plan. Just as Joshua was a new leader taking over from Moses, we will meet new leaders that need to be supported. God uses leaders to create His church, we should be sure to help.

Is there a godly leader in your community? Are you able to support your leader?

God uses leaders to create His church, we should be sure to help. Share on X

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