Joshua 1:9 – February 21, 2019

I command you: be strong and steadfast! Do not fear nor be dismayed, for the LORD, your God, is with you wherever you go. Joshua 1:9 NABRE     

Joshua took over from Moses as the people prepare to take possession of the land promised by God to their forefathers. The opening verses of the Book of Joshua portray Joshua as Moses rightful successor, he will rule over the people’s destiny. Moses was the leading figure in the great exodus, delivering Israel from slavery in Egypt taking them to the very threshold of the Promised Land. Moses has died and the saga continues. The Book of Joshua opens with the Lord making a speech about Joshua taking the baton from Moses and promising the support as He gave his predecessor. God remains true to His word and requires the same of this new leader, a faithfulness like Moses. Joshua’s name means “the Lord saves” or “Savior”. The name refers to his mission – to save the people. It is a name taken by Jesus Himself. It was common Christian practice to read the Book of Joshua in the light of the figure of Jesus. It is a book looked at as a description of the mysteries of Jesus. God promises Joshua, “I will be with you.” (v 5) a statement renewed by Jesus to those who would continue His mission, “I am with you always, to the end of the age.” (Matthew 28:20) It is God’s promise to Joshua, Jesus promise to His disciples and we receive these promises as well. As we see in the quoted verse, we should be strong and steadfast, we should not fear or be dismayed, God is with us wherever we go.

We should live with this promise near to our heart always. God keeps His promises and will never leave us alone. Anything we need we can count on God’s presence and trust He will provide.

Do you depend on God to be with you always? Do you call on God who wants to help you?

We should live with God's promise near to our heart always. God keeps His promises and will never leave us alone. Anything we need we can count on God’s presence and trust He will provide. Share on X

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