1 Corinthians 10:13 – January 26, 2019

No trial has come to you but what is human. God is faithful and will not let you be tried beyond your strength; but with the trial he will also provide a way out, so that you may be able to bear it. 1 Corinthians 10:13 NABRE     

Paul in this section of the letter to the community at Corinth is warning about presumption and using the spiritual ancestors who were being delivered from slavery and fed miraculously in the desert. Many of those in the desert perished before reaching the Promised Land because they indulged in idolatry. Paul compares the receiving manna in the desert and water provided by God to the Christians being nourished by spiritual bread and drink from God. Although those in the desert received this special treatment from God it did not stop them from falling into sin. Paul talks about their immorality and grumbling in the desert and warns the community not to ignore their fall and in certain cases death. God permits us to be tempted because He knows how much we can take; and He provides a way to escape if we trust Him and take advantage of His assistance. Paul says if you think you are strong then you may fall, but those who think they are weak and flee temptation will be able to stand.

We are reminded even experienced believers, leaders in faith, should not be too confident. The Jews in the desert thought their faith was strong and yet they were guilty of making idols and doubting God. The community was mature and together for a long time, yet they were not strong enough to avoid sin. It is best to avoid temptation, be it in the relationships we enjoy, the activities we enjoy or the places we like to go. We should always give ourselves the best chance to avoid temptation by not being near temptation. But always call on God for help.

What are temptations in your life? Do you find you commit the same sin again and again?

We should always give ourselves the best chance to avoid temptation by not being near temptation. But always call on God for help. Share on X

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