1 Corinthians 6:19 – November 25, 2018

Do you not know that your body is a temple of the holy Spirit within you, whom you have from God, and that you are not your own? For you have been purchased at a price. Therefore glorify God in your body. 1 Corinthians 6:19 NABRE     

Paul in writing to the people of Corinth speaks about sexual immorality. In the verses preceding the quoted verse he says he has the power and the freedom to make moral decisions, and for that reason he will not let himself fall under the power of anyone or anything, he will not be dominated by anything. The body is not for sexual satisfaction in the way that the stomach is for food. Sexual activity is designed for union with a person, not like eating for the consumption of an object. Here rather than using the sacred bond of marriage to argue against sexual immorality, he is appealing to the sacred character of our body and its transcendent destiny. Our body is a member of Christ and we must treat it with honor and respect as we would Christ. Our bodies are the temple of the Holy Spirit and we should not devalue it by committing immoral sins. The Spirit is from God and exists within us. We have been saved through the death of the Son, our freedom is not cheap. Therefore our bodies should glorify God, we should treat what is sacred as sacred.

In Paul’s day sexual liberation was evoked as much as it is today. He is speaking to people who accept different sexual partners for satisfaction. We seem to do that today as well. But, it demeans who we are destined to become and it demeans those we use for satisfaction. The appropriate role for sex in our life is to unite with one we love and to bear fruit. We glorify God when we create, as God has created. The only true satisfaction is to live our sacred destiny.

Do you think of sex as a way to pleasure but not fulfillment? Do you seek satisfaction where none has been found?

The appropriate role for sex in our life is to unite with one we love and to bear fruit. We glorify God when we create, as God has created. The only true satisfaction is to live our sacred destiny. Share on X

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