John 8:12 – November 24, 2018

Jesus spoke to them again, saying, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.” John 8:12 NABRE     

In the Gospel of John Jesus is teaching in the temple area and has just forgiven a woman caught in adultery. Now he talks about light. Jesus has come to be the spiritual light in a world darkened by sin. Anything done in the light can be seen, it is revealed. If we are doing something that we are embarrassed about or consider sinful we don’t want others to see us, we tend to want to do it in the dark. Jesus sheds light into the dark and reveals sin. But He is also the light that forgives sin. It is often the case before we can repent or seek forgiveness for a wrong, we must first admit to it, put light on it. Once it is no longer secret, it no longer has power over us and we can defeat it. Jesus came that He might put light on the sinfulness of the world. He came to take away the power of sin, first by having it revealed and then by working toward forgiveness and salvation. If we follow Jesus than we walk in the light. Even when we don’t want to be in the light we are, because others will see our behavior and it will reflect on Jesus.

If we want to bring others into the church we must always be aware as Christian’s we have a spotlight on us. If we are doing good it may not be mentioned. But when we do something that reflects badly on the message of Jesus it will be noticed. Whether we are driving our car rudely, or being impolite when shopping, or not sharing when we see someone in need, we are saying we are Christian in name only. This is not a way to let others discover Jesus’ light. If you are Christian and proud let your light shine.

Do you live as though the light of Jesus is shining on you? How can you let your light shine more brightly?

If we want to bring others into the church we must always be aware as Christian’s we have a spotlight on us. Share on X

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