Romans 12:12 – September 2, 2018

Rejoice in hope, endure in affliction, persevere in prayer. Romans 12:12 NABRE     

The twelfth chapter of the letter to the Romans, Paul addresses the challenges facing the Christian in Rome. His message is relevant throughout time. Paul wants us to offer ourselves as living sacrifices, pleasing God, without conforming, discerning God’s will. Paul compares the church to a body, each part significant and necessary, like each member of the church. Paul reminds us to love and be fervent. Then this incredible verse; rejoice in hope, endure in affliction and persevere in prayer. Remember with God there is always hope, no matter life’s struggles or trials, God brings us through and gives us hope. Rejoice, knowing God gives more than we deserve, rejoice in anticipation. Endure no matter the situation. God doesn’t tell us once we become His followers everything will be the best. Our lives still have struggles, more so as followers; we risk being shamed, mocked, abandoned and throughout history martyred. In all things persevere in prayer. Prayer is the path to know God, to learn God’s view and in particular God’s view for our life. Prayer gives meaning and understanding to the struggles, we see their purpose. A close relationship with God teaches us more deeply God’s plan. Closeness with God occurs in daily prayer.

Rejoice, endure, persevere no matter what life brings to you. We try to be ready for a tragedy, an illness or death, a surprise car problem that will take more money to fix than we have, someone we love upsets or disappoints us.

Can you rejoice in all things? Is there anything you don’t think you could endure? How does your day go when you don’t pray?

No matter how ready we feel we are, life will surprise us. Rejoicing makes us positive which makes us ready; enduring lets us know we’ll survive and persevering builds our stamina. Share on X

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