1 Corinthians 2:16 – August 30, 2022

For “who has known the mind of the Lord, so as to counsel him?” But we have the mind of Christ. 1 Corinthians 2:16 NABRE

Paul is speaking to the community at Corinth about wisdom and the difference between the wisdom of a natural person and a spiritual person. The natural person is one whose existence, perceptions, and behavior are determined by purely natural principles, the psychē and the body, they remain on a purely human level. The spiritual person is animated by a higher principle, the pneuma, God’s spirit. They are spiritual and mature in their perceptions and behavior. The Spirit teaches spiritual people a new mode of perception and an appropriate language by which they can share their self-understanding, and their knowledge about what God has done in them.

Paul says no one knows the mind of God or counsels Him, but spiritual people have the mind of Christ. To have Christ’s mind is to know the heart of others. The spiritual person can see the natural person and know the good within them, they love all people and they have empathy when others struggle. Having the mind of Christ brings a tremendous burden in caring and compassion. We can not be a spiritual person and not love others, as Christ loves all His creation. Be spiritual and share in the special knowledge of seeing into the hearts of others lovingly.

Are you a spiritual or natural person? Do you desire the burden of knowing the mind of Christ?

Having the mind of Christ brings a tremendous burden in caring and compassion. We can not be a spiritual person and not love others, as Christ loves all His creation. Be spiritual and share in the special knowledge of seeing into the hearts. Share on X


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