Acts 12:11 – June 29, 2022

Then Peter recovered his senses and said, “Now I know for certain that [the] Lord sent his angel and rescued me from the hand of Herod and from all that the Jewish people had been expecting.” Acts 12:11 NABRE                 

During the early days of Jesus’ followers expanding His message, King Herod is persecuting the leaders. A follower James is put to death by Herod and Peter is arrested and awaiting execution as well. The movement known as Christianity is losing popularity in Jerusalem. Early followers added new members to their movement every day, but now Herod sees this popularity waning. In this chapter, we read God is still working in the midst of the leaders. Though arrested and guarded heavily an angel comes to Peter, removes his shackles, unlocks the jail and guides him passed the guards who must have been put to sleep or in a trance. At first Peter thinks he is dreaming, but when he finds himself outside the jail, he realizes it is not a dream, the Lord has sent an angel to save him from Herod’s execution and all the Jewish people who are looking forward to seeing him eliminated. The Jewish leaders pushing for Jesus’ death also want to see Peter and others dead because this Jesus movement is taking away from their congregation and they don’t have an answer for why people should remain under Pharisaic Judaism.

Often when change comes those who are holding on to the past fight to prevent it from occurring. Often this kind of preventing is enforced so those in power may keep their power and other times because change is difficult and unsettling. Change tends to come anyway, despite resistance and it also divides. This moment with Herod and Peter demonstrates it is not all smooth sailing for the Jesus movement.

How do you feel about change? Do you struggle to hold on to the past?

Change tends to come, despite resistance and it also divides. A moment with Herod and Peter demonstrates it is not all smooth sailing for the Jesus movement, but God remains involved. Share on X

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