John 21:22 – June 4, 2022

Jesus said to him, “What if I want him to remain until I come? What concern is it of yours? You follow me.” John 21:22 NABRE                

Nearing the end of His time with His disciples Christ has a conversation with His disciples and specifically Peter. In the conversation Christ asks Peter to follow Him. Christ has already shared with Peter the type of death he would experience, one similar to Jesus, He will be martyred, a witness for the Christ movement. Peter asks Christ about the beloved disciples, the one who is writing the account and Christ tells him it is not His concern. Christ may want this disciple to be around until He comes for him. But it should not be any of Peter’s concern, and He repeats; follow me. Christ basically tells Peter to mind his own business and do as I ask, politely of course.

Peter may have the idea of fairness on his mind. Christ has just told him he will die on a cross, becoming like Jesus and his reaction is to wonder about someone else, his friend John. What will happen to John, will he die a death on the cross as well. We can almost hear any child saying, it is not fair, why do I have to do something and he does not. This “fair” is something we have in us from an early age, we think everything has to be fair and if it is not we are going to complain and shout until we get some attention. Christ tells us focus on what is our path, our journey. Don’t be influenced by other’s path or journey. If we are on our journey and also trying to manage someone else’s journey we are going to do both badly. As Christ says, follow me, don’t be concerned about others who follow me.

What is your path? What is your opinion about fairness?

Don’t be influenced by other’s path or journey. If we are on our journey and also trying to manage someone else’s journey we are going to do both badly. As Christ says, follow me, don’t be concerned about others who follow me. Share on X

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