Mark 16:12 – April 23, 2022

After this he appeared in another form to two of them walking along on their way to the country. Mark 16:12 NABRE                

Mark is writing about the places Christ appears after the resurrection. He shares Christ appears to two disciples walking on their way to the country. We know from other gospel writings these two are likely the two people on the road to Emmaus. They don’t recognize Jesus and Mark writes He appeared in another form. This is a mysterious indication that Christ can take on different forms after His resurrection. We know from other gospel writers it was when Christ broke bread they knew Him and return to Jerusalem to tell the others they have had an experience of the risen Christ. The risen Christ is no longer contained in the human body, no longer constrained to one form. Christ is able to transcend space, time and matter, He connects spirit and matter, spirit and matter coexist. We can experience Christ in the sick, those dying in hospice, sacramentally in the bread broken in His name, we can meet Him in so many different forms. Christ can be present with us and we are not even aware.

Jesus preached when we feed the hungry, visit the ill, give drink to the thirsty, visit the imprisoned, clothe the naked, we are doing it to Him. After the resurrection this can be literally true. I heard a story of a woman caring for a street person who has not been cared for in years. She feeds him, gives him new clothing and since he was disabled bathes him. She said while bathing him he changed into the image of Christ in her eyes. I am sure there are many stories with similar transformations. Christ is free to be in front of us, all we have to do is see and believe in the mysterious one who takes on another form. 

Do you recall a time you saw Christ in another form? How do you encounter Christ in others?

We can hear many stories of Christ transformation after His resurrection. Christ is free to be in front of us in any form, all we have to do is see and believe in the mysterious one who takes on another form. Share on X

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