John 8:34 – April 6, 2022

Jesus answered them, “Amen, amen, I say to you, everyone who commits sin is a slave of sin.” John 8:34 NABRE                

Jesus says if we remain in His word we will be His disciples and know truth which brings freedom. Freedom allows so much more in life, it keeps us in a state of peace and a lack of fear, freedom is a goal of life which Jesus helps us attain. Jesus also speaks about sin which takes away our freedom. We are fooled into thinking sin gives freedom, doing as we desire, but sin always has consequences. At the heart of sinful actions is a willful rejection of God and this rejection separates us from God. If we are separated from God we lose power and we become slaves to the actions that have created this separation, sinful actions. This state of sin is aptly characterized as slavery because we are powerless to free ourselves from it and to reconcile ourselves to God. Sin is a complete rejection of God, we fall away from loving, caring, helping and sharing and we don’t receive any reward from God. In fact, for the sinner God may appear a judging tyrant who imposes fear and punishment. But those free of sin know God to be a loving Father, who will do anything for His creation. With sin the important aspect is this willful action, there is no accidental sin. 

Whether we sin ourselves or others sin it has an impact on the entire world. We are not independent, we are very dependent on one another. We see in scripture people who always follow God’s will but the sin of others brings suffering into their life. The mother of Jesus is a good example; herself pure and sinless but we know her heart is pierced because others sin. Willfully unite with God, be free and know the truth.

Do you do God’s will? Do you listen to God’s Word?

Whether we sin ourselves or others sin it has an impact on the entire world. We are not independent, we are very dependent on one another. We see in scripture people who always follow God's will but the sin of others brings suffering into their life. Share on X

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