John 4:45 – March 28, 2022

When he came into Galilee, the Galileans welcomed him, since they had seen all he had done in Jerusalem at the feast; for they themselves had gone to the feast. John 4:45 NABRE                

Jesus returns to Galilee, an area where he grew up and was known prior to His public life. The people of Galilee had Jesus among them and it is not until they see what He does in Jerusalem that they come out to welcome Him. Jesus grew up and lived in Galilee with His Mother for thirty years. This short passage about Jesus return to Galilee shows a way life is lived. We all grow up with people around us, we see them growing or aging and they see us. However, we tend to grow up focused on ourselves, pushing to advance in life, which today is about getting educated, finding a job we love and/or pays well, finding a partner, and perhaps having a family. We could say this is the American Dream today, stay focused on where we are going and making the most out of our opportunities. However, looking back near the end of our life we recognize all those things we focused on looking forward are not as important. Sure having a partner and family is important but how much work do we put into those relationships?

We can recognize the people of Galilee missed a very important Human living in their midst. Do we miss important relationships having our focus on doing and not being? Shouldn’t we see those around us as God sees them? Everyone doesn’t have to be our best friend but knowing people, meeting people, welcoming people is our call from Jesus. Jesus wants us to love everyone which is made easily by knowing people. If we don’t know people we are probably comparing everyone to ourselves rather than looking at our self and learning how we can grow based on others love.

Do you know people who are not like you? Can you have dialogue with those you don’t agree with?

Jesus wants us to love everyone which is made easily by knowing people. If we don't know people we are probably comparing everyone to ourselves rather than looking at our self and learning how we can grow based on others love. Share on X

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