Luke 11:17 – March 24, 2022

But he knew their thoughts and said to them, “Every kingdom divided against itself will be laid waste and house will fall against house.” Luke 11:17 NABRE                

Jesus is challenged for exorcising a demon from a person afflicted. When people see a demon following Jesus’ command, they wonder if He is an agent of the prince of demons. Jesus responds pointing out demons divided against themselves will cause their kingdom to fall. Jesus says a kingdom divided against itself will fall. These words inspire Abraham Lincoln to convince a nation against division and separation. These are words the United States of America should heed today. While Jesus is talking about demons and why it would not make sense for Him to be a demon undoing the work of demons because it will destroy their kingdom. Jesus finishes the argument speaking about His kingdom and providing a message indicating He is looking for unity in His kingdom and unity in the people who are His followers.

Jesus says if you do not gather for Him you are against Him. This is a different kind of division, in the area of indifference or even more significantly a lack of care or concern for those who have not discovered Jesus’ kingdom. Does Jesus desire everyone to speak for His kingdom? No, but if we don’t live in such a way that people recognize we belong to the party of Christ then we are in fact causing division from Jesus’ perspective. It is in a sense not being happy with whose we are and therefore others see us wondering if Jesus is so amazing why aren’t His followers more dedicated, enthusiastic, or even ready to live as He desires. We are challenged to live as a member of the followers of Christ, letting our light shine so others may see, living in love, a love which is infectious.
Do you gather or scatter disciples for Christ? Where is division in your life?

If Jesus is so amazing why aren't His followers more dedicated, enthusiastic, or even ready to live as He desires. We are challenged to live as a follower of Christ, letting our light shine so others may see, living in love, a love which is infectious. Share on X

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