Matthew 18:21 – March 22, 2022

Should you not have had pity on your fellow servant, as I had pity on you? Matthew 18:21 NABRE                

Jesus is asked about forgiveness and how many times must we forgive someone who sins against us. Jesus responds in a way that indicates we must never stop forgiving. Jesus supports His response with a a story about a king and a servant who owes the king a debt. The servant cannot pay the debt and begs the king for mercy, the king moved with compassion forgives the servant’s debt. The king later discovers the servant did not show mercy to someone who owes him a debt and so the king changes his mind and treats the servant as he has treated others, requiring punishment and full payment. The king asks the servant the rhetorical question; should you not have had pity as I had pit on you? In the story we are to think of the king as God and the servant represents each of us. From the story we can hear Jesus question to us; should we not have pity on our fellow persons as God has pity on us? In a way we can see it as applying the Golden Rule, do for others what you would have others do for you.

Forgiveness is not easy. Many say forgiving frees us from carrying the burden of the offense. Therefore forgiving others is much better for our own well-being. We might think there is no reason to forgive if someone doesn’t confess and seek reconciliation. But, that is something to think about in terms of trying to restore a relationship. To forgive is to let go of the suffering caused and the division created. We don’t need to keep people away who sin against us, forgiving them allows us to see them again as a child of God. We can hold back trust, but it begins a process of closure.

Is there someone you need to forgive? Have you offended someone and desiring forgiveness?

Forgiveness is not easy. Many say forgiving frees us from carrying the burden of the offense. Therefore forgiving others is much better for our own well-being. Share on X

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