Luke 9:34 – March 13, 2022

While he was still speaking, a cloud came and cast a shadow over them, and they became frightened when they entered the cloud. Luke 9:34 NABRE                 

Jesus takes His disciples up a mountain and praying. Jesus changes, becoming dazzling white when a cloud comes and cast a shadow over all who are present, a voice from the cloud declares Jesus is His chosen Son, the voice is from God. This over shadowing is described in the Scriptures. We read Moses could not enter a tent because a cloud covered it, which is the glory of the Lord (Exodus 40:34-45.) In the cloud God is present, it is an overshadowing that makes it impossible to see anything else. Another instance of this overshadowing is when an angel announces to Mary that God will conceive a child within her, through the power of the Holy Spirit which overshadows her and is identified as the Most High God. God is present in overshadowing, and we recognize when God overshadows there is nothing else we can see. When God is present all we can see is God. Those who witness this overshadowing are so overwhelmed they either fall asleep or cannot enter the cloud. God’s glory is magnificent and is impossible for our human body to absorb, or fully experience.

God Himself has told us that we cannot see His face or Him and live (Exodus 33:20.)  The cloud is God protecting those who look so that His presence won’t destroy them. When we see God, in prayer, in contemplation, we are overwhelmed by His presence, God is all power and even in small heart felt doses impacts us in such a way that we don’t see or know anything else. God wants to see us face to face, He wants to be in complete communion with us, but it requires extreme movement from our human nature to a divine nature. Seeing God is the goal, we must move toward Him to be united and see Him.

Have you been overshadowed by the presence of God? Do you see God?

God wants to see us face to face, He wants to be in complete communion with us, but it requires extreme movement from our human nature to a divine nature. Seeing God is the goal, we must move toward Him to be united and see Him. Share on X

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