Luke 4:6 – March 6, 2022

The devil said to him, “I shall give to you all this power and their glory; for it has been handed over to me, and I may give it to whomever I wish.” Luke 4:6 NABRE                

Luke shares the story of Jesus’ beginning ministry, Jesus is baptized, and enters a desert for forty days of prayer and fasting. Ending the forty days, Jesus is greeted by the devil and challenged with three temptations. One temptation the devil offers Jesus all power and glory, he offers Jesus the entire world, which the devil declares he has the authority to give. It is interesting how the devil will give away all his power and glory and all he asks in return is for Jesus to worship him. The devil finds more satisfaction with Jesus being in relationship with him than all the power and glory in the world. It is a commentary about power and glory as well as how significant it is to be in relationship with Jesus. It is like asking the most wealthy, powerful person in the world what could be worth all his riches. Jesus is worth more than all the riches of the world.

Those of us who follow Jesus know we can have Jesus just by turning toward Him and saying we want to be His. In fact Jesus wants us more than we know, and probably more than we can desire Him. We don’t have to give up anything, or give over to Jesus any power or glory to be His. Most followers do give up everything for Jesus, because with Jesus we receive so much we don’t desire to expend energy maintaining possessions and power if it takes us away from Him. When we have Jesus we don’t desire power, or glory and we don’t even desire sinfulness. Being a follower of Jesus fills us with all we need, that anything offered pulling us from total focus on Jesus is completely uninteresting.

What has more value then Jesus? What could you not give up to follow Jesus?

When we have Jesus we don't desire power, or glory and we don't even desire sinfulness. Being a follower of Jesus fills us with all we need, that anything offered pulling us from total focus on Jesus is completely uninteresting. Share on X

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