Mark 7:28 – February 10, 2022

She replied and said to him, “Lord, even the dogs under the table eat the children’s scraps.” Mark 7:28 NABRE                

Jesus travels to a Gentile part of the land, in the hope of not being recognized and getting some peace and time to be alone with his disciples. But, a local woman hears about Jesus and seeks Him out. She asks Him to drive a demon out of her daughter. Jesus responds that He is here for the children of Israel first, and goes on to say something that could be considered very insulting. He says it is not good for the dogs to eat the food intended for the children, an insult in any culture to be called a dog. Perhaps it was a common expression and doesn’t have the bite when Jesus says it to her but her reaction is that of a mother who cares about nothing else but her child. She declares even the dog’s get scarps that fall under the table. The woman does not let the response of Jesus bother her, neither His denial nor the insult of being called a dog deters her. Of course it is not clear if Jesus is trying to be insulting, but the reaction of the woman is a true teaching.

How often do we pray hoping God will answer us, but become defeated not getting a response we are looking for? We should never give up on asking. This women shows even God can be convinced of helping, regardless of God’s initial reaction. Jesus accepts the faith of the women and cures her daughter. God can be negotiated with, so don’t give up on what you need. Follow the example of this woman, don’t be insulted and be deterred, stay after God until you get what you need. If something is important to you, keep asking. Get friends to pray for you as well.

How often do you stop asking God thinking He will not respond? Is there something you need now?

Follow the example of this Gentile woman, don't be insulted and be deterred, stay after God until you get what you need. If something is important to you, keep asking. Get friends to pray for you as well. Share on X

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