Mark 4:39 – January 29, 2022

He woke up, rebuked the wind, and said to the sea, “Quiet! Be still!” The wind ceased and there was great calm. Mark 4:39 NABRE                

Mark shares a story about Jesus and His disciples in a boat on a stormy sea when fear sets in. Jesus is asleep in the boat until they need to wake Him. Matthew and Luke share what seems to be the same story with similar circumstances and outcome. Without faith this would be a very difficult story to believe. The disciples are going across the sea in a boat and a violent storms sneaks up on them. This is possible, but as several are professional fishermen shouldn’t they be somewhat aware of this possibility and be ready for it. Secondly, why would professional fishermen call on a carpenter to do something to help them? The other aspect that could be questioned is Jesus sleeping. If the storm is so violent, putting fear into professional fishermen, how could anyone sleep? I would think the water coming over the side would be enough to wake anyone. Yet, we read this story in three gospels, we must assume it is important for us today. The main act of the story is Jesus rebuking the wind, and the wind settling down. Certainly Jesus has a certain authority to command nature.

Notice Jesus doesn’t pray about it to God, He just does it. We can also notice Jesus speak with a certain conviction, He believes His word will be heeded. There is much we can learn from this conviction. The overall message for today’s reader is when we are in a storm we should wake up Jesus within us and let Him calm our storm. Life is not easy and it is rare we can make it on our own. Here we have a message telling us Jesus will help. Even if our profession or experience indicates we should handle the storm ourselves, Jesus says come to me (Matthew 11:28.)

What are the storms in your life? Do you leave Jesus sleeping within you?

Life is not easy and it is rare we can make it on our own. Here we have a message telling us Jesus will help. Even if our profession or experience indicates we should handle the storm ourselves, Jesus says come to me (Matthew 11:28.) Share on X

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