Mark 2:28 – January 18, 2022

That is why the Son of Man is lord even of the sabbath. Mark 2:28 NABRE                

Jesus is challenged about Sabbath rules by religious leaders as He and His disciples pass through a field. They were hungry and pick grains of wheat as a means to satisfy their hunger. A Pharisee challenges them for breaking a Sabbath law that does not allow harvesting on the Sabbath. Jesus is not thrown by the challenge and points to a time when the beloved King David broke certain rules to feed his hungry men. Jesus reveals the Sabbath is made for humanity and the Son of Man is lord of the Sabbath. This Son of Man label that Jesus uses, comes from the prophet Daniel who sees one like a son of man coming with the clouds of heaven (see Daniel 7:13.) Hebrew scholars see this label as referring to the people of Israel, all of Israel is the son of man. I like this interpretation and I think it fits with Jesus use of the label, the Sabbath is made for humans and when those humans include the Incarnate Word of God, Sabbath is seen as ruled over by the Son of Man, all of humanity including the Son of God. God foresees the drive in people for success and gain and at creation declares a break, one day humanity will be lord of the day, not the day ruling over humanity.

Six days a week we have to work, take care of a home, family, and be sure to have everything we need to live. God knew this is how we would become and declares a day of rest, God takes a day we are lord over, doing what we need for your own well-being. Jesus says the Son of Man, all of us are lord of that day. Just as God declares humanity has dominion over the beasts, we also have dominion over the Sabbath.

Do you rule over the Sabbath or do you treat it like any other day? Do you feel included with all humanity in God’s plan? 

Jesus says the Son of Man, all of us are lord of that day. Just as God declares humanity has dominion over the beasts, we also have dominion over the Sabbath. Share on X

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