Mark 1:45 – January 13, 2022

The man went away and began to publicize the whole matter. He spread the report abroad so that it was impossible for Jesus to enter a town openly. He remained outside in deserted places, and people kept coming to him from everywhere. Mark 1:45 NABRE                

A man comes to Jesus begging to be healed and Jesus reaches out, touches and heals him. Jesus commands the man to not tell anyone about the healing, but of course the man could not remain quiet. He spread Jesus name and the word of Jesus healing ability is taken throughout the area. Jesus could no longer find peace among the people and needed to go off into the desert, almost hiding to keep people from coming to Him. This must be a difficult situation for Jesus to live through, if He heals someone, everyone will want to be healed, so He may be tempted to not heal. But at the same time a suffering person is before Him and He has the ability to take away their suffering, He could not in good conscious walk away from this person. Sometimes to do good for another will cause bad in our life. This is the circumstance Jesus faces and we see He chooses to heal and endure the consequences of the good deed.

Faced with similar circumstances are you able to do good for others, even when it will cause problems for you? This is the constant challenge of the disciple’s life. Our call is to love and serve, both are always a challenge and often lead us to making choices that will cause us a hardship. It is never easy to care for the sick, to clothe the naked, feed the hungry, visit the imprisoned, and share drink with the thirsty. Serving others always cost us something, we see it did for Jesus and as followers we are expected to act like him. If serving cost you nothing then you are not serving well.

What has serving cost you? Does your suffering remind you of Jesus?

Serving others always cost us something, we see it did for Jesus and as followers we are expected to act like him. If serving cost you nothing then you are not serving well. Share on X

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