Mark 6:51 – January 5, 2022

He got into the boat with them and the wind died down. They were [completely] astounded. Mark 6:51 NABRE                

Jesus’ disciples travelled by boat across the Sea of Galilee and a great storm tossed and smashed the boat. The disciples, although some of them fishermen, were scared. In their fear they see someone walking on the water toward them, and they fright is heightened. Though they had spent quite a bit of time with Jesus they were not completely aware of the miracles He could perform and they thought He was a ghost. Jesus’ intended to pass the boat and meet them on the shore, but their fear was so overwhelming He stopped and got into the boat with them and everything became calm.  Their reaction was amazement, thinking Jesus has control of the elements; He could walk on the water and calm the sea as if He controlled the weather. Jesus’ ability did not have the effect of giving the disciples strong faith but made them wonder if He was some sort of evil spirit. It is easier to believe something evil is happening then to think God would send someone who could walk on water and control the weather, God is too big and powerful to care about twelve scared men in a storm.

We can easily fall into the trap that God is too big and too powerful to care about us, to want to reduce the storms of our lives. If something supernatural is happening, it is easier to believe it is bad and will eventually harm us. But Jesus’ entire message is a message that God does care, and is interested in each and every person, desiring to calm our lives and keep us close to Him. God desires our love and remains near every one of us, each and every day. God will calm the storms of our lives, we only need to ask, have faith and trust in God.

What storms are you going through at the moment? Can you ask for help?

God desires our love and remains near every one of us, each and every day. God will calm the storms of our lives, we only need to ask, have faith and trust in God. Share on X

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