John 1:3 – December 31, 2021

All things came to be through him, and without him nothing came to be. What came to be John 1:3 NABRE                

John opens His gospel in similar poetry as the words beginning the Hebrew Scriptures. John wants us to know Jesus the Christ preexisted and is the incarnate Word that reveals God the Father. John speaks of Jesus as the Word, the Word of God spoken, demonstrating God is dynamic, creative and His Word is God’s personal and preexisting Wisdom, God’s creative power and ultimate intelligence. Through the Word all things came to be and nothing came to be without Him. We read in the creation narratives God spoke and it happens. God’s Word is the creative force, and Jesus is the incarnation of that Word. John wants us to be aware Jesus always existed, became human at God’s instruction and in time returns to God to exist forever.

Jesus spoke of Himself as the Son of Man. In the book of Daniel the Son of Man can refer to one special being or as the collective people of God (see Daniel 7:13) It is typical in the Hebrew Scriptures God thinks of Israel as one, God’s first born son (see Exodus 4:22) and when speaking of Israel God exists in a one on one relationship, Father and child. Jesus calling Himself Son of Man, is collecting all of us, all God’s creation represented, essential and declared children of God. Certainly humanity is with God at the beginning of creation. God depends on Adam to name the living things as if all things were created through and for him. We are included in that creation, we preexist in the Word of God and we will exist forever with God. Through humanity there is life and this life exists to love God and live in God. We cannot come to be without Him.

Do you believe all is created for you? Do you think without you nothing would have come to be?

We are included in creation, we preexist in the Word of God and we will exist forever with God. Through humanity there is life and this life exists to love God and live in God. We cannot come to be without Him. Share on X

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