Luke 1:35 – December 20, 2021

And the angel said to her in reply, “The holy Spirit will come upon you, and the power of the Most High will overshadow you. Therefore the child to be born will be called holy, the Son of God.” Luke 1:35 NABRE                

The angel Gabriel appears to Mary, explaining she is favored and will become the mother of God’s Son. Mary’s only question is how this will happen? She hears the Holy Spirit will come upon her and the Most High God will overshadow her, the child born is the Son of the Most High God. This overshadowing compares to the cloud covering the tent of meeting which held the tabernacle when Moses brought the people out of Egypt. A cloud leads the Israelites by day (and a column of fire by night.) All could see the cloud settle over the tabernacle and no one would enter. The Israelites would only move further on their journey when the cloud lifted from the tent leading them further. They understand the cloud is the presence of God and in a similar fashion the power of the Most High overshadows Mary. No further explanation is given, and Mary asks no other questions, her faith is enough, trusting the angel and God. It may be she didn’t even know, as Adam is put to sleep when God takes a rib from his side to create Eve (see Genesis 2:21,) Mary may have slept one night when the Most High overshadows her. From this point she is carrying a baby and a virginal conception is the story told. Others like her husband Joseph support her explanation and this becomes the story of Jesus conception and future birth.

Mary has great trust in the angel and God, we believe because she has been a person of strong faith her entire life. She is willing to help God even though she obviously does not completely understand what will happen or understand how this child will change the world.

Would you have asked more questions? How far are you willing to go to serve God?

Mary has great trust in the angel and God, we believe she has been a person of strong faith her entire life. She is willing to help God even though she does not understand what will happen or understand how this child will change the world. Share on X

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