Matthew 18:14 – December 7, 2021

In just the same way, it is not the will of your heavenly Father that one of these little ones be lost. Matthew 18:14 NABRE                

Jesus teaches the importance of all who are followers and connected to God. Every lost follower who is found is a reason for celebration in heaven. Jesus shares shepherds, like Him, must leave all others to find just one lost. These days the term “deconstructing” has become popular, one pastor declared it as the “sexy thing to do” trying to indicate people just deconstruct to be cool. Many voice deconstructing is undoing all the Christian stuff that has “happened” to a person, leaving Jesus, becoming free of a culture that is not helpful. Some preach deconstructing is good because it leads to reconstructing, often something must be torn down to build it back stronger and more deeply. I sense there are many people pulling away from a formal church culture which creates doctrine and pressures to live a certain way, often with good intentions, but not necessarily Jesus’ intentions. Jesus has a problem with the temple system in His day and might agree with many who criticize the church for the same things today. To many churches depend on celebrity pastors and when their flaws are revealed the church implodes, some dismantled completely. People hurt by church, struggle to find where they belong in faith. Churches generally are not transparent about sin until it is exposed so radically it cannot be swept under the rug. Churches rarely confess their sins, though they expect congregates to be open and repentant. Are churches responsible for pushing people away?

Jesus’ word is beautiful and followed leads to wholeness of life. Perhaps we should look closer at the communities of the Hebrew Scriptures and live together more, rather than meet together occasionally.

Are you linked to a church? Is church helping to transform your life?

Jesus' word is beautiful and followed leads to wholeness of life. Perhaps we should look closer at the communities of the Hebrew Scriptures and live together more, rather than meet together occasionally. Share on X

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