Luke 17:19 – November 10, 2021

Then he said to him, “Stand up and go; your faith has saved you.” Luke 17:19 NABRE                

We read another story of Jesus healing those in need, this time ten lepers. He sends them off and on their way they are healed, one returns, kneels before Jesus and glorifies God. Jesus has him stand and speaks to him about being saved through faith. Interestingly, the man is already healed so in saying his faith has saved him Jesus is speaking about something different, a bigger act of healing, we think of salvation. This saying seems to indicate the man received more than healing, he is reminded his faith in Jesus leads to his salvation. Jesus often speaks of faith. We see in this passage faith must be more than something we have in our heart or think about. Faith requires action, this man acted by returning to Jesus to thank Him and glorify God, a recognition that he knows God is at the center of healing, God is at the center of everything. If this is our belief, if we have faith in God, believing we are created by God and everything we have belongs to God then we must show it in our action. We cannot say we have faith and then not support others, we must feed the hungry, love an enemy, cloth the naked, or any other simple action to be Jesus in the world. Doing nothing indicates our faith is simply a talking point for our fellow Christian friends. Real faith takes action.

There is plenty to do to show Christ in the world. We must be willing to dig in and help solve issues, not avoid them. Is there something to be done to create racial reconciliation? Can we be a missional presence in our community, let people have no doubt we are willing to be like Jesus in all we live and do. Is there more we can do in our household to find the value of God in those we live with and love? 

Do you lift others up? Are you a healer or divider?

There is plenty to do to show Christ in the world. We must be willing to dig in and help solve issues, not avoid them. Is there more we can do in our household to find the value of God in those we live with and love? Share on X

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