Matthew 18:10 – October 2, 2021

See that you do not despise one of these little ones, for I say to you that their angels in heaven always look upon the face of my heavenly Father. Matthew 18:10 NABRE                

Jesus speaks about seeking the lost, and bringing them back home with God. There are many who meet God but it does not take strong hold, and so Jesus is forever seeking those who are lost. But Jesus also speaks to those who would do something to push a follower away from God. There are disciples in many stages of journeying to God. Those who tempt or pull a disciple away from God, in other words cause another to sin or lead them astray, they will be well known and judged accordingly. Jesus says do not do anything to despise a disciple, He calls them little ones, His children. Not only is every disciple important to Jesus but every disciple has an angel in heaven who is constantly looking upon the face of God. We can imagine these angels speaking to God about the disciple they watch, the disciple they guard. Jesus plants a seed that blossoms into the idea of guardian angels. Every disciple has an angel who looks over them and speaks to God about them. It can be like a mother who wants the best for their baby, their little one. Jesus tells us God wants the best for all His little ones, God sees all and sends angels to protect all. Never despise one of the little ones of God, for their angels speak to God constantly. 

Imagine having an angel with you always, who guards and tells about you to the One God. An angel is a messenger, today we might say they are text messages, perpetually sent to God boasting of what we have done and whose we are. Trust you are watched over, God wants the best for you.

How much work do you put your angel through to protect you? What does God hear about you?

Imagine having an angel with you always, who guards and tells about you to the One God. Trust you are watched over, God wants the best for you. Share on X

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