Mark 9:39 – September 26, 2021

Jesus replied, “Do not prevent him. There is no one who performs a mighty deed in my name who can at the same time speak ill of me.” Mark 9:39 NABRE                

One of Jesus’ disciples, John, informs Him someone is performing exorcisms in His name but are not a followers . Jesus takes an expansive view not a restrictive one toward others acting in His name. He tells them do not prevent him, if he performs deeds in Jesus name then he will not speak ill of Jesus. I am not sure this is the attitude we find in all formal Christian congregations today. We can hear followers of Jesus at times in a food fight over some doctrinal issue or interpretation of the word of God. Jesus sees anyone acting in His name as doing good. Reaching the lost and bringing freedom and joy to those in the world Is Jesus primary ambition. Jesus will take help from anyone who is sincere, who has true faith in Him, even if they don’t’ go to church on Sunday. Paul illustrates a similar principle, “Of course, some preach Christ from envy and rivalry, others from good will.  … What difference does it make, as long as in every way, whether in pretense or in truth, Christ is being proclaimed? And in that I rejoice.” (Philippians 1:15-18) Plenty of people spoke and speak against Jesus, it is not surprising that those with sincere trust who are for Him are accepted even if they are not part of Jesus’ inner circle. 

Looking at those for and against Jesus, we realize in the end a decision will be made for one side or the other, whether consciously or unconsciously. Jesus says whoever is not against is for us. Jesus prefers a position of openness toward those not in any formal Christian structure, and to not consider them enemies.

Do you try to convert people to Jesus or a church? Do you know someone for Jesus but outside any formal structure?

Jesus says whoever is not against is for us. Jesus prefers a position of openness toward those not in any formal Christian structure, and to not consider them enemies. Share on X

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