John 3:14 – September 14, 2021

And just as Moses lifted up the serpent in the desert, so must the Son of Man be lifted up, John 3:14 NABRE             

Nicodemus, a prominent Pharisee in Jerusalem, comes to Jesus to determine who has sent Him. In dialogue with Nicodemus Jesus reveals some truths about God, His relationship with God and the meaning of His life. In particular Jesus uses a miracle from the Hebrew Scriptures and Moses to speak about the mystery of His own nailing to the cross. In the desert, as the Hebrew people led by Moses, flee Egypt and travel to the Promise Land they reach a moment of exasperation and complain against God and Moses about being brought to this wilderness that has no resources. For this the Lord sent among the people serpents who bite them and they die. Realizing their error they beg Moses to pray to God to take the serpents away. God instructs Moses to make a bronze serpent mounted on the end of a pole that when the people gaze upon it in faith they will recover. This mounted serpent, raised high, is the source of healing for the people. Jesus indicates that He too will be mounted high and when people gaze upon him in faith they will recover from sin and death. Jesus is speaking of eternal life while the image on the pole of Moses heals physical life. Jesus being lifted has two meanings; He is physically lifted upon the cross and He is lifted up to heaven after His death and resurrection. Both are significant in this mystery of healing.

Jesus provides a teaching  Nicodemus can understand so he will come to faith in Jesus and believe. It is also a mystery for all of us who have faith in Jesus as we receive the knowledge of God’s love and forgiveness. There is nothing we can do that God will not forgive.

Do you see the cross as an article of faith? Do you seek to be healed eternally?

The cross is a mystery for all of us who have faith in Jesus as we receive the knowledge of God's love and forgiveness. There is nothing we can do that God will not forgive. Share on X

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