Luke 6:41 – September 10, 2021

Why do you notice the splinter in your brother’s eye, but do not perceive the wooden beam in your own? Luke 6:41 NABRE             

Jesus challenges those listening about judging others. How can we look at another person, see there faults and not believe our own faults are likely equal or as Jesus suggests much worse. It is common for us to give ourselves a pass on wrong doing or sinfulness, we understand our own circumstances and know what we did couldn’t be helped or we have some justification and therefore do not judge ourselves harshly. But others we do not understand and we do not show compassion, their faults we believe are judge worthy because they are bad, or they do bad things. So we judge them and condemn them and in our minds, they are not worthy of our time.

In this pandemic of COVID we see being vaccinated and wearing masks being opposed by those who don’t trust the authorities and don’t feel they need to take precautions to keep others safe. Those protesting masks are a small number but they are vocal and they are getting the publicity. Those who wear masks and vaccinated are getting frustrated, they have been patient with those refusing to agree with them, but their patience is bubbling over. It begins to show in condemnation. Someone who protests mask wearing and being vaccinated loses a loved one to COVID, and we can see the “righteous” lashing out on social media, they are getting what they deserve. We see their splinter and judge them. This is not the way to follow Jesus. Jesus asks us to choose a teacher, we can choose a bad teacher or we can choose Him. With Him as our teacher we always find ways to love the other and leave judgement for our teacher. It is a difficult time but precisely the time we need to demonstrate our Christianity to lead others away from bad teachers.

Who is your teacher? Do you listen to the word of God?

With Jesus as our teacher we always find ways to love the other and leave judgement for our teacher. It is a difficult time but precisely the time we need to demonstrate our Christianity to lead others away from bad teachers. Share on X

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