Mark 7:37 September 5, 2021

They were exceedingly astonished and they said, “He has done all things well. He makes the deaf hear and [the] mute speak.” Mark 7:37 NABRE             

Jesus is traveling through gentile territory and people bring a deaf and mute person to Him for healing. While it is gentile territory it may be Hebrew people bringing the man to be healed. Jesus takes the man aside and with touch, prayer and dependence on God He heals him and he is immediately able to function in a hearing and speaking world. Ironically, Jesus orders the people not to tell what happened, which of course they are unable to do and they proclaim the healing touch of Jesus. The people proclaim Jesus does all things well, He can make the deaf hear and the mute speak. I suppose seeing and hearing about this kind of miracle most people would be impressed with Jesus. Jesus heals to point back to God, but the people often see the healing as more important than the sign to which it is meant to attest. The words the people use for Jesus are found similarly on the lips of the Prophet Isaiah, “Then the eyes of the blind shall see, and the ears of the deaf be opened; Then the lame shall leap like a stag, and the mute tongue sing for joy.” (35:5-6) Isaiah spoke these words about God and the gospel writer Mark is expecting the same kind of linkage, saying similar words as Isaiah the connection is to be made that Jesus is the Messiah, the One from God. 

This message about hearing and speaking is a message for those of us who have heard the word of God but don’t truly hear and definitely do not speak it. Carrying out this healing in the land of the gentiles can indicate the word is meant for all, therefore all should hear and speak the word. Sometimes deafness isn’t physical and we need to listen more closely and proclaim more exuberantly.

Do you hear the word of God? Can you share the word of God?

This message about hearing and speaking is a message for those of us who have heard the word of God but don't truly hear and definitely do not speak it. Sometimes deafness isn't physical and we need to listen more closely and proclaim more exuberantly. Share on X

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