Luke 5:35 – September 3, 2021

But the days will come, and when the bridegroom is taken away from them, then they will fast in those days. Luke 5:35 NABRE             

Jesus is asked a question about His disciples and fasting. Leaders often ask their disciples to fast and enact self-denial as a means to bring themselves closer to God, and have a deeper dependence on God. Jesus is expected to have His disciples fast and practice some form of self-denial. Jesus responds that there cannot be fasting when the bridegroom is at the wedding feast. It is interesting language but not language unfamiliar to the Hebrews. We are each made for union with God. Though we may not always live up to this united relationship with God, God is always faithful, always desiring union with us. Through the Hebrew Scriptures prophets Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel and Hosea as well as the Song of Songs, God reveals the mystery of His desire for union with humanity, a union so intimate that He describes it as spousal love. God is the bridegroom and Israel is the bride. Jesus is the bridegroom sent by God to create this spousal love not only with Israel but with all people to the ends of the earth. This is the reason Jesus describes His relationship as the bridegroom and we are bride, the love of God is intended to be that of a loving married couple, doing for the other, suffering with other, this is compassion. God wants this marriage with each of us a most perfect marriage, a union with each of us. Jesus is the face of the marriage and each of us are the bride.

When Jesus is present it is a wedding feast and there is no fasting or suffering, only celebration. But as Jesus returns to where He came, it is time for us to deny ourselves and to share so we may show God’s love for others.

What is your impression of a God desiring spousal love with you? Can there be any greater image of love than a married couple?

When Jesus is present it is a wedding feast and there is no fasting or suffering, only celebration. But as Jesus returns to where He came, it is time for us to deny ourselves and to share so we may show God’s love for others. Share on X

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