Luke 4:43 – September 1, 2021

But he said to them, “To the other towns also I must proclaim the good news of the kingdom of God, because for this purpose I have been sent.” Luke 4:43 NABRE             

Jesus leaves Capernaum for a deserted place, it’s not uncommon for Jesus to go off by Himself to pray. The crowd tries to prevent Jesus from leaving, but Jesus tells them He must go to other towns to proclaim the good news of the kingdom of God, this is His purpose. Jesus had proclaimed early He was to bring good news. The kingdom of God is a place we all want for ourselves and our neighbors. It is a place where God’s message reigns, the oppressed are free, those blind to moral injustice see, liberty exist for all and the poor rejoice. The kingdom of God is a place where evil has no power and righteousness is the action of all. It is a place where love is more important than anything else. It is a place the race to beat others to the top or to have more than others is not the primary race, rather the race to care for one another and do for others is the priority. Jesus is preaching and proclaiming it is this type of kingdom He was sent to proclaim and to set into motion. He couldn’t stop and if He was walking the earth today he wouldn’t stop. 

But Jesus doesn’t walk the earth today, His time on earth has passed but He also initiates disciples to pick up His mission and carry on as Him present. It is the role of every disciple to proclaim the message of the kingdom of God and to live as if the kingdom of God exists already. It doesn’t require some divine lightning bolt to bring about the kingdom of God, it only requires the transformation of hearts. Christians are to live so that others see our love and desire the same and thus bring about the kingdom of God.

Are you working to bring the kingdom of God? Has your heart be transformed to be a kingdom dweller?

Christians are to live so that others see our love and desire the same and thus bring about the kingdom of God. Share on X

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