Matthew 25:29 – August 28, 2021

For to everyone who has, more will be given and he will grow rich; but from the one who has not, even what he has will be taken away. Matthew 25:29 NABRE           

Jesus tells a parable representing the kingdom of heaven which is like a man who goes on a journey and leaves his possession to servants. One he left five talents (approximately one hundred years’ worth of wages) and another two talents and the third one talent. Each decides what to do with the talents they have been given to report when the man returns. The man with five doubles it to ten talents, the man with two doubles it to four talents and the third man buries his talent. As you would imagine the return of the man brought joy for those two who double their talents and they receive great praise and reward. But the man who buried his talent was met with disappoint and punishment. In biblical language this man was cast into hell for not taking a chance with the talent he was given. Of course this is all metaphor with some keenly understandable language. Why would a servant be sent to the netherworld for not using his talent? Well this is the point Jesus is trying to make for us today. Whatever we have been given; natural abilities, financial resources, spiritual gifts or stewardship of the mysteries of heaven, we have to remember we will be asked to give an account of how we used what has been entrusted to us. Only by investing our gifts and turning a profit for the Lord will we enter the joy of the kingdom. 

If we see talents representing “knowledge of the mysteries of heaven” then the punishment seems fitting for the servant who didn’t use his talent. The message of salvation entails a great responsibility, we must share what we know. Giving back our talent unshared is a travesty. 

What gift have you been given to use for the kingdom? How do you share your gifts?

The message of salvation entails a great responsibility, we must share what we know. Giving back our talent unshared is a travesty. Share on X

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