Mark 6:30 – July 18, 2021

The apostles gathered together with Jesus and reported all they had done and taught. Mark 6:30 NABRE        

Jesus greets the returning apostles who He had sent off to preach and heal. Reading this small passage we have the impression their mission was very successful. The people now not only seek Jesus but it appears His apostles attract a great number of people seeking their healing hand or teaching wisdom. Jesus knows what they are feeling and how they have been emotionally and physically spent, not even having time to take a meal for themselves. So Jesus pulls them aside to a deserted place where they can replenish themselves with food and rest from all that has been thrust upon them. They also have a great desire to tell Jesus all they have encountered and accomplished. It is likely they are feeling quite inspired from their journey.

We too should depend on Jesus to care for and nurture us. When we work for Jesus and have successful encounters in ministry our accomplishments may go to our head. Being grounded in Jesus is the best way to remember that accomplishments are not ours but come through the hand of God. We can also look forward to Jesus’ caring hand in bringing us to a deserted place for retreat and respite. No matter our success or failure in life, Jesus is ready to listen to us and help us see what we have done in His name is appreciated.

Are you strengthened in ministry by Jesus? Do you allow Jesus to take you to places of rest?

Being grounded in Jesus is the best way to remember that accomplishments are not ours but come through the hand of God. Share on X

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