Matthew 9:2 – July 1, 2021

And there people brought to him a paralytic lying on a stretcher. When Jesus saw their faith, he said to the paralytic, “Courage, child, your sins are forgiven.” Matthew 9:2 NABRE           

Jesus travels to His home town and is greeted by people with a paralyzed man on a stretcher seeking healing. Jesus has cured many but He sees in this man a chance to cure what is the bigger problem Jesus has come to cure, sin. In biblical language sickness is seen sometimes as a punishment for sin. It is not always the case, many righteous people suffer from sickness as well. But Jesus sees in this man a deeper spiritual wound, something much deeper than his physical malady. Recognizing a deeper, spiritual wound Jesus either desires or knows He must heal the inner wound before the physical wound can be addressed. Jesus first says to the man, “Courage child, your sins are forgiven.” How often do we have to get our mind right in order to get our body right. Jesus encourages this man, He tells him essentially you are righteous, there is no condemnation against him. Jesus also claims the man, He calls him child. Jesus always wants a relationship, He makes it a priority. Those watching feel like Jesus has over stepped and declares Him a blasphemer. Knowing this Jesus then tells the man to get up and take his stretcher and go home, and the man does. The people could not see the man’s sin cleared but they do see him walking away. 

Those witnessing this scene glorify God and must wonder about the future of forgiveness. They usually sacrifice an animal for forgiveness, but Jesus teaches forgiveness can be given and received by humans. This is the lesson for us, we must forgive, even ourselves, unconditionally as Jesus does.

What do you hold against yourself? Do you freely forgive others offenses?

Jesus teaches forgiveness can be given and received by humans. This is the lesson for us, we must forgive, even ourselves, unconditionally as Jesus does. Share on X

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