Matthew 8:2 – June 25, 2021

And then a leper approached, did him homage, and said, “Lord, if you wish, you can make me clean.” Matthew 8:2 NABRE           

Jesus has become known for His ability to heal people and we can read of many healings of people with leprosy, a type of skin disease. It is a disease having the stigma of being contagious and anyone with leprosy must remain isolated and call out “unclean” when approaching people. Leprosy brings with it loneliness, people having to live off by themselves or with others who have leprosy. When this leper hears Jesus is able to heal he’ll likely does everything he can to seek out Jesus and ask for a healing. His approach to Jesus is unique, as a leper he is required to stay away from people but this man goes toward Jesus. He exhibits amazing faith believing Jesus possesses the ability to heal him. Showing a humble approach the man asks if Jesus wills him to be healed, exercising His divine power to make him clean. Often when someone has a disease or illness people think it happens because God is disappointed or angry with the person or a family member. Asking if Jesus desires him to be made clean the man is implicitly asking, am I ok with God, or does God still wish to punish me. We don’t know what is going on in the man’s mind about his guilt or innocence in the eyes of God, but clearly he hopes God is ready to forgive him and make him clean. As God’s emissary Jesus can know God’s will. This man addressing Jesus as Lord believes in Jesus’ connection to God.

Jesus astonishes the people by touching the man, an act that will make Jesus unclean or ritually impure, yet Jesus desires to bolster the man spiritually and through His touch says you are clean. Jesus has no fear in reaching out to sinners or the unclean and letting them feel His touch. 

Do you feel guilty when you have sinned? Do you believe you are worthy of healing?

Jesus astonishes the people by touching the man, an act that will make Jesus unclean or ritually impure, yet Jesus desires to bolster the man spiritually and through His touch says you are clean. Share on X

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