Matthew 5:19 – June 9, 2021

Therefore, whoever breaks one of the least of these commandments and teaches others to do so will be called least in the kingdom of heaven. But whoever obeys and teaches these commandments will be called greatest in the kingdom of heaven. Matthew 5:19 NABRE           

Sometimes followers of Jesus think He came to make lots of changes and to make things more focused on heart not law. Some may believe that following the Ten Commandments is no longer necessary but in fact Jesus would never undermine a command of God’s. Jesus raison d’etre is to do the will of God and to fulfill the law and the prophets. Thanks to the history of the Hebrew people, the Hebrew Scriptures, people were available to welcome Jesus, planning for a Messiah. Jesus comments on the commandments and fulfilling the law further and He will provide several examples of Mosaic Laws He desires people would internalize more deeply. For example Jesus will mention the law concerning adultery and further add that we commit adultery even if we look at another with lust in heart. Jesus wants us to take the command not to commit adultery and recognize we can commit adultery in our hearts. He desires we take the law so seriously we change who we are becoming someone who in our hearts respect, loves and is selfless towards others. If we break a commandment or cause others to break a commandant we will be called least. But if we obey commandments, not exterritorialy as Jesus sometimes accuses the Pharisees and scribes of doing, but interiorly, in our hearts then we will be called greatest in the kingdom of heaven. 

There are times in my heart I disrespect others, even thinking they are for my own pleasure, it is the problem with pornography, or anything sexualizing others. In these times we risk becoming the least. 

Do you follow commands in your heart? Do others come first for you?

There are times in my heart I disrespect others, even thinking they are for my own pleasure, it is the problem with pornography, or anything sexualizing others. In these times we risk becoming the least. Share on X

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