Mark 10:31 – May 25, 2021

But many that are first will be last, and [the] last will be first. Mark 10:31 NABRE           

Jesus is asked about the cost of discipleship, He indicates to follow Him we must give up everything, not holding on to any attachments.  Some find this impossible, in fact His disciples regard Jesus pronouncement as radical. Jesus wants us to get to a place where we have complete trust in God for everything. We are not meant to be poor or homeless, but by trusting in God to provide for us day to day we demonstrate our acceptance of this radical teaching of Jesus. The disciples have given up everything, leaving family, in some cases their business, their connection to a life they have planned. Never once do we read that they are desperate, begging for food or drink, or even a place to stay. They think they are depending on Jesus and His charismatic approach but Jesus depends on God, with complete trust. Occasionally we do see the disciples’ squabbling over who is first and who should have the seat of honor when Jesus comes into the Kingdom of God. Though they have given up everything, they still have this attachment to power, to prestige. Jesus tells them anyone who has given up land, house, mother, brother, sister, father, children for His sake or the sake of the gospel, will receive one hundred times more of these very things in the present age and in the life to come. Jesus believes many who think they are first will be seen as last and the last shall be first. 

There must be someone you know who has given up everything for Jesus and to you they appear to be richest person you know. Jesus provides this richness to those who trust God, making their life about living the gospel. God is an abundant giver, trust in God and your life will be rich. 

Do you trust God for everything? Can you imagine living without attachments?

Jesus provides richness to those who trust God, making their life about living the gospel. God is an abundant giver, trust in God and your life will be rich. Share on X

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