John 21:13 – April 9, 2021

Jesus came over and took the bread and gave it to them, and in like manner the fish. John 21:13 NABRE           

We read what John the gospel writer calls a third resurrection story, Jesus meeting His disciples on the shore of the Sea of Tiberius, and providing them breakfast. Many of His disciples were fishing all night without catching any fish. Jesus tells them where to cast their nets and they catch so many fish their nets threaten to tear. It was then they recognize it is Jesus who is on the shore. Jesus has started a fire and calls them to bring some fish and to join Him for breakfast. Jesus again breaks bread with His disciples and also shares cooked fish as well. It is not an accident that Jesus is reinforcing the idea of taken bread, blessing it, breaking it and giving it. Besides demonstrating He is alive, it is a main them of Jesus resurrection stories, impressing upon His disciples the symbolism of the ever presence of the body of Christ. Many would say this again has Eucharistic implications, reinforcing the scene at the supper before He is arrested (Mark 14:22-23). We are also reminded of the multiplication of the loaves and fishes (John 6:11.) Jesus wants us to take the body of Christ, bless it, break it and give it. As the body of Christ, Jesus desires we give ourselves, first recognizing we are taken (chosen), blessed and broken, ultimately sent in Christ image. Jesus wants His disciples to know they must build up the body of Christ through this symbolism of catching fish, giving bread and being sent. 

We should see ourselves in this beach scene, Jesus symbolically breaking bread and nourishing us, a sign of what we should do as well. We can never forget the body of Christ, as we break bread it , should be ever on our mind. 

What do you think of in the given of the bread? Is Jesus an example for you?

The Risen Jesus symbolically breaks bread and nourishes us, a sign of what we should do as well. We can never forget the body of Christ, as we break bread it, should be ever on our mind. Share on X

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