Matthew 28:8 – April 5, 2021

Then they went away quickly from the tomb, fearful yet overjoyed, and ran to announce this to his disciples. Matthew 28:8 NABRE           

Mary Magdala and the other Mary are going to Jesus’ tomb with spices to complete the burial rites left by Joseph of Arimathea who places Jesus body in the tomb. When they arrive Jesus is not there and we discover many versions of the events; but the tomb is always empty and Mary of Magdala is always present that Easter morning. In the four Gospels, she is mentioned twelve times, eleven of which are directly related to Jesus’ Passion and Resurrection. Only Luke (8:2-3) includes the detail that “Mary, called Magdalene” was a woman whom Jesus had freed from seven demons. She is often confused with the woman who washes Jesus feet with her tears (Luke 7:37-50) whose sin Jesus forgives, and with Mary of Bethany who sat with Jesus as her sister Martha works to serve their guests (Luke 10:38-42) and she is even confused with the woman caught in adultery (John 8.) So she has had a falsely created reputation in art and legend, all of which come from incorrect exegesis. Magdala is in the region of Galilee and near Nazareth, an area Jesus spent much of His public ministry. Mary may have been a disciple from the start. As apostle means sent, Mary is gaining recognition as the “apostle to the apostles,” she is sent to announce the news of His resurrection to the disciples. 

Mary is a prominent figure in Jesus dying and rising stories. We read her described as being overjoyed and fearful. Watching Jesus die and then to know He is alive would evoke fear, while the message of Easter is one of great joy. Mary gets it exactly correct in my mind, the news is fearful and joyful at the same time! 

How would you feel being the first to know Jesus is alive? What are your fears carrying His message?

Watching Jesus die and then to know He is alive would evoke fear, while the message of Easter is one of great joy. Mary gets it exactly correct in my mind, the news is fearful and joyful at the same time! Share on X

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