Matthew 26:21 – March 31, 2021

And while they were eating, he said, “Amen, I say to you, one of you will betray me.” Matthew 26:21 NABRE           

Jesus selects twelve disciples often referred to as Apostles. Judas Iscariot, the betrayer, is one of them. Jesus selects each Apostle for a specific reason, eventually all are to be sent and spread the Good News of Jesus message and life, transforming those who hear into disciples themselves. Judas never fulfills the mission of being sent out to the nations. He is sent first to the religious leaders who want Jesus killed. Judas accepts thirty silver pieces, betraying Jesus with a kiss. The temple guards arrest Jesus and bring Him to the temple leaders. Jesus spoke a couple of times about being turned over, but at this meal celebrating the Passover, Jesus announces the betrayer is having meal with them. This was a close group, together perhaps for three years, through many signs and even times when many walked away from Jesus; now they discover one among them will betray Jesus. It is so shocking they each say, “Surely it is not I.” They are not even sure if they have done something to betray Jesus. But in the end Judas is sent to do that task of betraying Jesus, fulfilling His mission in the gospels. Afterwards he regrets his action and hangs himself. It makes us wonder how Jesus could select someone as a close partner who would act against Him and His mission. We should never feel bad when betrayed by a friend, even Jesus suffers the same fate. 

Jesus betrayal reminds us we each have had moments of betrayal, a close friend saying something hurtful or speaking badly behind our backs. Jesus knew this was coming and tells the betrayer to fulfill his mission. Jesus knows we all need forgiveness, even our betrayer’s, we should learn forgiveness from Jesus.

Have you been betrayed? What has happened to your betrayer in your life?

Jesus betrayal reminds us we each have been betrayed, a close friend saying something hurtful or speaking badly behind our backs. Jesus knows we all need forgiveness, even our betrayer's, we should learn forgiveness from Jesus. Share on X

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