John 12:26 – March 21, 2021

Whoever serves me must follow me, and where I am, there also will my servant be. The Father will honor whoever serves me. John 12:26 NABRE           

Certain Gentiles who are well versed in Judaism or who may be considering a conversion, come looking for Jesus. When Jesus hears this He announces, “The hour has come for the Son of Man to be glorified.” It would seem Jesus’ mission completes once His message reaches beyond the chosen people. Just as the Magi welcomed Jesus at His birth, these Gentiles are recognized as welcoming Jesus message, expanding His message to all people, including those beyond the fold. Jesus’ message is universal, He wants to gather all people to God and Himself. Jesus’ hour coming means He is going to take His walk to the cross. Jesus speaks about a grain of wheat dying to produce fruit, which follows the completion of His life. Jesus dies and produces real fruit, which includes eternal life for all. This makes Jesus’ message about serving, critical. To follow Jesus we must serve Jesus, where Jesus goes, in this case the cross, is where the servant must go as well. If we serve Jesus, the Father will honor us for serving.

This is a message we have heard before, we must take up our cross and follow Jesus. Jesus’ act of selflessness is an act we must mimic as a follower, as a servant of Jesus. We give our life for others, as Jesus gave His life for us. The way of the cross, with self-sacrificial love and the dying to self-centeredness is the only way to discipleship. It is not an optional way, it is the way. Following Jesus to the cross, we follow Him to resurrection, glorifying Him and God who in turn will honor (or in divine language glorify) us.

Will you follow Jesus as servant? Are you ready to die to selfishness?

The way of the cross, with self-sacrificial love and the dying to self-centeredness is the only way to discipleship. Following Jesus to the cross, we follow Him to resurrection, glorifying Him and God who in turn will honor us. Share on X

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