John 5:41 – March 18, 2021

I do not accept human praise; John 5:41 NABRE           

Jesus has given a discourse defending His words and deeds on the basis of His identity as the Son. Having spoken at length about doing the will of the Father, Jesus turns His attention to a different kind of acceptance, the praise of one person for another. Jesus is not looking for praise from people. Jesus of course only seeks praise, honor, and glory from God. Jesus calls us to keep our priorities in order and to live life according to God, who is truth. Jesus recognizes that He is not accepted but when someone comes along that person is accepted. We tend to trust what we see and hear about people, we trust what is written about people, or affirming words from friends or others about someone and thus easily accept who we think they are. Yet, Jesus says He is not accepted and people do not praise God through the message He shares. People desire the praise of others, especially leaders, as honor from people increases the influence and popularity of the person being accepted. Jesus may have been looking ahead to today’s social media that depends on human praise, followers and “likes.” 

It seems inherit for people to desire the praise of others, but Jesus teaches it is dangerous. Seeking praise can lead to becoming self-absorbed and to do things only for the praise of others. Jesus wants us to look for the glory of God, there is true value in being accountable to God and receiving the approval of God. If we seek the praise of people we can be constantly chasing popularity that will take us away from good and God.

Whose praise do you seek? What has human honor required of you?

There is true value in being accountable to God and receiving the approval of God. If we seek the praise of people we can be constantly chasing popularity that will take us away from good and God. Share on X

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