Hebrews 3:12 – January 14, 2021

Take care, brothers, that none of you may have an evil and unfaithful heart, so as to forsake the living God. Hebrews 3:12 NABRE           

The letter to the Hebrews includes verses from Psalm Ninety-Five, concluding; “Therefore I swore in my anger: They shall never enter my rest.” (Verse 11) God speaks these words because the Israelites tested and challenged Him in the desert. We read the author of the letter to the Hebrews warning the present day Hebrews to take care, do not forsake the living God with evil and unfaithful hearts. Knowing Christ we have faithful and believing hearts, but if we lose that relationship, or lose faith we will become like a seed that is sown on rock (Mark 4:16-17.) We must have hearts that grow closer to Jesus and learn from His example. To abandon faith in Christ is far worse than never having faith in Him in the first place. Losing faith is usually attached to evil because it is attachment to sin that leads a person away from Jesus or to forsake the living God. Forsaking God leads to an inevitable fall into idolatry, adoring false idols and lifeless gods, these days most likely material success, human security, pleasure and as we have seen political entities. Putting anything before the will of God is making an idol of that thing and pushing God to a place of obscurity. God must be a primary focus in life, without Him all else withers away and becomes dust. 

Do not risk God’s wrath by making Him less important than some temporarily symbol or asset. God is the path to life eternal and we must always take care to show Him proper respect with our faith and belief. What is in our heart is what will lead us; let that be God. 

What is most in your heart? Have you been pulled toward false idols; money, security, politics, pleasure? 

God is the path to life eternal and we must always take care to show Him proper respect with our faith and belief. What is in our heart is what will lead us; let that be God. Share on X

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